
          Dr.  Ali Muhammad Rezaei

Job Description: Supervising the proper implementation of the decisions announced by the university president, Creating suitable conditions for the growth of academic talentsEstablishing coordination in the educational, research, administrative, financial, cultural and student affairs of the faculty, Supervising  the proper implementation of the educational and research duties of the faculty membersProposing the annual budget of the faculty to the relevant authoritiesFormation and supervision of the work of educational and research councils CollegeEvaluating the annual work of the faculty and submitting necessary reports to the university presidentReviewing the qualifications of the deputies and educational groups and expressing opinions about them ,  Supervising the proper implementation of the duties of the educational groups, and taking the necessary measures to resolve financial, administrative, and professional problems according to the delegated authoritiesSupervising the proper implementation of the duties of all subordinate units in the facultyProposal of the heads of educational departments to the university president for approval and Proposal to appoint faculty vice-chancellors to the university presidency