Department of Educational Psychology and Cognitive Psychology
Dr. Siavash Talepasand
Director of Educational Psychology and cognitive psychology Department
:Field and specializationPhD in Educational Psychology
:Academic rank Professor
:Scientific-educational skillsData analysis, Cognitive psychology, Psychological tests, learning and motivation
:Research prioritiesEducational psychology (theories, intervention, Motivation (expectancy-value theory, control-value theory) , learning (social cognitive theory, information processing theory, learning disorders)
Dr. Ali Mohammad Rezaei
:Field and specialization PhD in Educational Psychology
:Academic rankAssociate Professor
:Scientific-educational skills Education and research in psychology
:Research priorities Measurement and evaluation, Personal development and development of human capabilities, Learning (academic performance, learning disorders and intervention methods to address them), Development of moral virtues (altruism, responsibility, self-control, kindness, respect, etc.) Attitude and motivation, Cognition and metacognition, Behavior change and modification, Life skills training (anger control, stress, etc.), Positive psychology, happiness, flourishing
Dr. Mohammad Ali Mohammadifar
:Field and specializationPhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
:Academic rank Associate Professor
:Scientific-educational skillsEducation and research in psychology
Research priorities: ADHD, Learning Disabilities , Organizational Psychology
Dr. Mohammad Agha Delavarpour
:Field and specializationPhD in Psychology Educational
:Academic rank Assistant Professor
:Scientific-educational skills Design and standardization of psychological-educational tests and questionnaires, Statistical analyses with SPSS and Minitab software . Analysis of statistical models with AMOS, LISREL and PLS software.
:Research priorities: Social cognitive development, Social psychology of educational environments , (school and university) Motivation and excitement in education, Psychology of cyberspace and social networks
Dr. Seyed Musa Tabatabaei
:Field and specializationPhD in Educational Psychology
:Academic rank Assistant Professor
Scientific-educational skills: AMOS, SPSS, and LISREL software
Research priorities:Motivation and creativity (cognitive approaches), Cognitive theory of multimedia learning, Cognitive load theory, Cognitive theories of teaching