Faculty Honors
- Holding national and international conferences and seminars in the fields of psychology, information science and epistemology.
- The highest acceptance rate of students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences in the master's entrance exam among the universities of the country.
- Publication of clinical psychology journal with high impact factor and Q1 profile
- Increasing the number of articles by academic staff members in scientific journals in Iran and the world.
- Obtaining top ranks in student competitions and festivals by the Student Scientific Association of Information Science and Epistemology.
- Approval of the curriculum of the psychology department in the field of health psychology at the master's level of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in 1400.
- Acquiring top provincial and national research ranks by faculty members.
- Obtaining the top ranks of highly cited researchers in humanities, social sciences and arts from the Islamic World Science and Technology Citation and Monitoring Institute (ISC) by 4 faculty members.
- Membership of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences as the head of the specialized task group of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in 1403.