Department of educational management
Dr. Siavash Talepasand
Head of Educational Management Department
Dr. Ali Akbar Amin Bidakhti
:Field and specializationPhD in Educational Management
:Academic rank Professor
:Scientific-educational skillsTraining and research in educational management
:Research prioritiesEducational challenges and opportunities in higher education, Pathology of organizational structure , strategic direction and leadership in the educational system, Organizational development
Dr. Sakineh Jafari
:Field and specializationPhD in Educational Management
:Academic rankAssociate Professor
Scientific-educational skills: SPSS software and LISREL software
:Research prioritiesApplication of artificial intelligence in education, Educational challenges and opportunities in higher education, Education for environmental protection and responsible environmental behavior, Globalization of education,promotion and improvement of green management, Organizational development
Dr. Shirkooh Mohammadi
:Field and specializationPhD in Educational Management
:Academic rank Assistant Professor
:Scientific-educational skillsTraining and research in educational management
:Research priorities Employee autonomy in the organization, identity and traditions of governance in schools , Pathology of organizational structure, Strategicsmanagement and leadership in the educational system, Strategics direction and leadership in the educational system , Accountability in the educational system and government organizations, Scientific evolution of school management in Iran , organizational autonomy